Each site that a client has to be developed should be thoroughly reviewed for any and all applicable permitting. Atlantic Consulting Engineers, LLC (ACE) is fully staffed to handle this review. Prior to full engineering design of a site, a review of applicable local, state and federal permits should be completed. This can and may include, NJDEP, NJDOT, TWA, SCD, County and State Agency permits. Depending on the proposed use of the site there may be other permits that will need to be obtained. The potential permitting issues can be identified in a Feasibility Study, if the client requests. It is important for the client to know what permits may be necessary for the proposed use as they may impact the total cost of the job and therefore feasibility of the development. Once a project is approved to move forward, ACE has the staff to be able to complete the necessary studies, investigations and applications for those permits that are deemed necessary for the subject site. Many times the permits are contingent on the client and architect fitting out the building(s) or proposed structures on the site. This is another important reason to involve the Engineering/Civil services at the onset of the job.