Atlantic Consulting Engineers, LLC (ACE), is often approached by a client who has a situation that they do not know what the cause is or how to resolve. ACE is able to provide the necessary engineering expertise in this area which typically results in a Forensic Engineering Study. Whether it is a single lot issue, construction improvement issue or failure of a structure, ACE is able to investigate the problem and provide a documented report of the findings.

ACE will review all the relevant documents that are available from the client and also any agencies that may pertain to the specific issue. ACE will visit the site, photo document the findings and review the current situation with reference to the design construction documents intended.

This type of report is submitted to the client and/or attorney and serves as a starting point for discussion or arbitration. Often times there is additional work required on the part of ACE which helps to further the client’s position and provides valuable engineering analysis. The goal is to remediate the situation and provide a solution to all involved. On occasion there is additional analysis required and even, at times, expert testimony. ACE is able to provide these services.

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